Schloss Mespelbrunn

Guided tours

Schloss Mespelbrunn is inhabited by the family who built it. Please respect our privacy and follow the instructions of our castle guides. Thank you! 


Preise inkl. Führung.

Adults 6,50€
Groups of 20 or more.: 6,00€ p.P.
Children under 6 years: free
School classes up to 25 children (including 2 supervisors): 90€

Führungen finden alle 30-40 Minuten statt.  
Groups over 20 people will be split up.


Ab dem
23. März 2024 bis zum 03. November 2024
geöffnet von
09:30Uhr bis 17:00Uhr.
Letzter Einlass gegen 16.30Uhr. Keine Kartenzahlung möglich. 


How long does a guided tour last?

Die Führung dauert ca. 35-40 Minuten. Die letzte Führung startet ca. 16.20 Uhr.

When is the visit particularly recommended?

If possible, we recommend visiting during the week.

Is it possible to stay on the castle grounds after the guided tour?

After the tour, there is the opportunity to stop by the beer garden of the castle café. An independent stay on the premises outside of the tour is not possible.

How many tours are there per hour?

During weekdays, we can offer 2 tours per hour, while on weekends we can offer 3-4 tours per hour.

Is the tour suitable for children?

Yes, of course. However, please take good care of your children (the castle is surrounded by water) and hold their hand or carry them. 

Yes, of course. Giving a tip to the tour guide is a nice way to show appreciation for their service.

Of course, everyone appreciates a gesture of appreciation. Please place your tip in the container located at the exit, rather than giving it directly to the tour guide. Thank you!

What should we do with our dog during the tour?

Dogs are unfortunately not allowed to join the tour. You can leash your dog near the cash register at the DOG station. We provide a water bowl.